Thursday, December 14, 2006

I wish I could tell you that I just got in from are pulling a rosy-cheeked, tightly bundled Annabelle across the yard in a little red sled, the snow falling softly like lace down around us.
Instead I'll tell you the truth, that I am watching out the window as sheets of wind-blown rain,
pelt the side of the house. Not exactly the sort of weather you wish for at Christmastime...

I wish I could tell you our Christmas Tree glows from floor to ceiling,
with sparkles and twinkles. Thankfully our little Annabelle has enough Holiday sparkle and twinkle of her own, to make up for the lack of tree, trimmings and usual Christmas decor at our house. We decided this year for all intensive safety purposes that maybe it would be better not to have real live pine needles, bark and twigs and such kicking around the house. Especially since Annabelle at any given meal, would just as soon nibble on bark as cheerios.
I didn't think I could cut out the Christmas tradition tree cold-turkey, so David graciously agreed to a mini tree, well actually three. One for each of us. They are about 8" tall. They are real. And really very cute. So that, on top of the anticipation of the big and beautiful Christmas trees to be enjoyed at at both Poppy and Nana's and Papa and Mor-mors and everywhere else we go over Christmas, more than makes up for not having a big tree of our own this year.

It feels like Annabelle is growing faster than ever. Her arms and legs are getting so long and she's fast. She gets around the house like a flash of lightning.
She loves to clap, dance and sing Christmas Carols. Her favorite is Feliz Navidad. Seriously.
She absolutely goes nuts when that song comes on the radio or if we sing it to her.

This morning she said the word button! Twice. If babies had hobbies, hers would be buttons.
That, un-folding the laundry, emptying out drawers and quacking like a duck.
The other day she said grandpa to my dad over the phone...
he was so proud you could almost hear the "buttons" popping off his shirt.
But I have to say my current favorite word that she says happens to be saying is: Ma-Ma.
The other thing that we are trying to teach her and is how to blow kisses.

Her constant beaming face and contagious laughter fill our house and hearts with more magic than a dozen Christmases.

That being said, may your Christmas be filled with more JOY than you know what to do with.

Which one do I use for our Christmas Cards?

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My sweet wee girl lass...